Turkish baths, brine cabins, caldariums, tepidariums or laconiums

Bring relaxing warm baths to your spa

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Hammam – Turkish baths

Cleanse the body and soul

In the time of the Ottoman Empire, the hammam was a place of tranquillity and conscious relaxation that offered people a chance to collect themselves and escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life. A Turkish bath cleanses the body and soul, causes everyday concerns to melt away, and relaxes the joints and muscles, aiding the process of mental and spiritual recuperation. The HAMMAM consists of two areas: one for sweating and cleansing (60–90 min) and another for relaxation (60–90 min).

Hamam Turkish baths by KLAFS at Guncast
Brine Cabin

Brine Cabin

Warm air baths filled with vaporised salt water

A brine cabin is a warm air bath that is filled with vaporised salt water. In addition, brine with a concentration of approx. 5% flows over a graduation tower, filling the air with tiny salt crystals. Many people find that the low bathing temperatures of 35–38°C and relatively low humidity provide the ideal conditions for relaxation.


For those seeking deep relaxation

A caldarium is a type of thermal bath that provides the ideal environment for those who wish to avoid the extreme conditions of the sauna or who are seeking deep relaxation. The CALDARIUM is heated to pleasant temperatures that can be adjusted to suit individual preferences: 30–40°C (close to our body temperature) for pure relaxation or 50–60°C for sweating and purification. The level of humidity is approximately 20% and the air temperature is below the wall temperature, allowing people to enjoy their thermal bath for longer.

Caldarium by KLAFS at Guncast
Laconium by KLAFS at Guncast


The alternative for those who find saunas too hot

In the laconium, heat radiates evenly from every surface. Slowly but surely, the body begins to sweat intensively in 60°C heat. A visit to the LACONIUM is a good alternative for anyone who finds the temperatures in a conventional sauna, which may reach 90°C or more, simply too hot. The level of humidity is approximately 15–20%.


Relaxation room with heated stone loungers

A tepidarium is a relaxation room with heated stone loungers. The special thing about the tepidarium is the beneficial effect of its uniform radiated heat. As a radiant heat bath with temperatures of 37–39°C and ergonomic individual loungers, the TEPIDARIUM is either an ideal warm-up room or a great place to recharge one’s batteries. The walls and individual loungers are heated to pleasantly warm temperatures as required. The level of humidity is approximately 20%, and the air temperature can be up to 15°C below the temperature of the walls and seating surfaces.

Tepidarium by KLAFS at Guncast

We also design and build pools and cold plunge pools

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